Each year KNA sports enthusiasts bounce into the traditional March Madness for some good competitive fun. Fourteen participated in this season’s team picks, with the winner going to KNA’s most recent hire, Andrea Schroeder. Taking the lead at the Final Four tournament, Andrea pulled ahead of several competitors, including Principals Ben “GonnaWin” Pitts and Kevin Westervelt, holding the lead until the finish. When asked how she found the perfect teams, she stated, “My father is from Philadelphia so I always pick a team from there. I usually choose from the top seeds and few underdogs. I just feel it in my gut who the right picks are.” Clearly, Andrea knows talent when she sees it. While her winning pick of Xavier did not win the final championship, she beat out all the rest with a score of 213, with 33 correct picks.
Ben Pitts presented KNA’s resplendent homemade trophy to adorn her desk for the entire year, so make room for it.
The History Behind March Madness
“A little March Madness may complement and contribute to sanity and help keep society on an even keel,” said Henry V. Porter back in 1939. He was an official of the Illinois High School Association, with the phrase “March Madness” linked to Illinois’ statewide high-school basketball tournament. KNA’s yearly event not only brings staff together for some great somewhat serious fun, it also promotes the firm’s viable life-work-balance.